Applications: Acid pumps, barrel pumps, pigment pumps, alkali pumps, Eurocube pumps, Eurocube pumps, Eurocube chemistry pumps, enzyme pumps, oil pumps, fuel pumps, solvent pumps. Barrel pumps are designed for pumping various types of liquids from cans, barrels and eurocubes. Barrel pumps are made of various materials such as stainless steel, aluminum, PVC, polypropylene, etc. The supply of acids, alkalis and reagents in barrels and IBC containers has become a common practice. These containers are most often reversible, which means that they need to be emptied quickly and carefully and returned to the sender. Since containers with a drain located at the bottom have been banned in many countries due to the risk of spillage, the only way to pump out liquid is to use a hole in the lid. Barrel pumps were the most suitable equipment for this work. Barrel pumps are used for chemically active liquids such as caustic soda, acetic acid, nitric acid, hydrofluoric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and others. Barrel pumps also pump food additives, foodstuffs, molasses, clots, flavorings, enzymes, liquid product concentrates and ingredients. In industry: pumping and discharging reagents and liquids from plastic containers, Euro cubes and barrels. Barrel pumps are also used to pump oil products, solvents, hardeners and other components. Barrel pumps of this series are not inferior in quality and technical characteristics to pumps of such manufacturers as Debem, Fluimac, JESSBERGER, Lutz and other brands.